Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Working on Something

“When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” John 19:30

I am struck by the threads I find that runs through scripture. One thread I have been following for awhile is the rest of God. Let me break this down as quickly as possible.

In Genesis 2:2 after the work of creation God had finished and then he rested. In John 5:17 Jesus says,” My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.” Well, my mind began to question what did Jesus mean by this? God rested, what work is He doing? Jesus implies that God has been working and is work to this very day. What I have discovered is that the work of creation is finished done. But, because sin had entered the world from Gen. 3:15 God was at the work of redemption. God was working on something!

From the covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob through the birthing of a nation-Israel, God was at work. When he brought Israel into the Promise Land, called a prostitute to help them conquer their enemies he was working on something. When out of the womb of the one that Jacob loved less-Leah, came Judah, God was working on something. Even in spite what men will do Tamar gave birth to Perez, God was working on something. When Ruth, a Gentile, left Moab with Naomi and was redeemed by Boaz who was the great-grandfather of David, God was working on something. Through forty and two generations God molded, moved and patiently prevailed with a people to bring forth the Son of David the Messiah-Emmanuel, God was working on something.

So when Jesus, in John 5, identifies with the Father, Jesus is working together with God on something.

At the cross on Golgotha’s Hill, God in Jesus Christ had completed the task of our salvation, the work is done, the Lamb of God has taken away the sins of the world-IT IS FINISHED!

The reason why you can’t get this by works is because the Father in Jesus Christ has already worked it out-IT IS FINIISHED

There is nothing you can or have to do about it. Jesus has already worked it out. Our salvation is free now and forever. Praise God I am redeemed.

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